Produced Fall of 2020. Redemption is a level inspired by Red Dead Redemption, aimed to replicate the fun action western theme and experience. Created in Unreal 4 utilizing the Dynamic Combat System Kit and 3rd person controller. I spent four weeks planning and designing the space to feel like an action-packed fortress.
The project was an exercise in my Level Design knowledge and skills in creating a linear path, incorporating gates, keys, loops, and combat scenarios.
I wrote a short story to encapsulate the level’s narrative because every level tells a story. The player embodies a Hassun tribal member utilizing their bow to remove the improvised explosives station near Canyon River.
TEAM: 1 - Personal Project
GENRE: 3rd Person Western Action Shooter
SOFTWARE: Unreal Engine 4, and Photoshop
Level Design
Modeled using Geometry / Terrain Tool
Illustrated Intensity graph, and Guide Map
I began designing the level by conducting research and gathering visual references to create a mood board to establish the overarching theme, that being the western gun-slinger aesthetic.
I intended to create a historically accurate representation while including ideas that would suit the narrative, scenarios, and mechanics, such as guards near bomb barrels and scaling the fortress. I focused on creating tactical and strategic level advantages for the player to empower them to experience what it means to be a one-person army.
After researching and gathering reference images I start with a flow map. I contemplate the pacing and beats the player will experience. This process allows me to rapidly prototype adapt and re-configure my spaces to fit my needs when designing levels. I begin by thinking about the core beats and how to bring context to my environment to support them. I find it important to nail down the procedures and player traversal and flow through the map.
After solidifying my beats and flow map I then developed a guide map to begin establishing a foundation for how I envisioned the spaces and beats to be laid out. I like to imagine the player's perspective and how they’ll view the space and interactions. From their point of view, I can contemplate the environment and combat encounters and challenges to best suit the player experience. I attempt to avoid hand-holding while maintaining fairness.
Walk Through
This level made me think about the five fundamentals to level design.
Points of reference, canyons trains, cranes, and structures.
Paths and choices such as gaining the level advantage.
Nodes, such as the train blocking a path or storage room. Intersecting paths that created references.
Districts, such as the first and second courtyards.
Boundary structures and catwalks which enclose and define the space.